OnHiatus.com > The Moon: Current Seattle Time is: 21:58:28, 1/20/2025

Universal Time is: 05:58:29, 1/21/2025
The Moon
Last modified: Thursday, January 24, 2013.
This is the One Million One Hundred Twenty Four Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty Eighth view since 01/23/96.
Right now the Moon is...
Percent Full 55.7%
Age 21 Days, 14 Hours, 43 Minutes
Distance 405493 Kilometers
Phases of Current Lunation:
Phase: Universal Date: Universal Time:
Last New 12/30/2024 22:27:49
First Quarter 1/6/2025 23:57:35
Full 1/13/2025 22:27:44
Last Quarter 1/21/2025 20:32:11
New 1/29/2025 12:37:18
Note: Please do not email me regarding past or future phases of the moon. The answer is: I don't know! Everything I know about the moon is on the page you are looking at.
I really know very little about the moon. I just found some algorithms in an old book and thought they would make a cool web page. Even that was back in 1995!
Thanks, Tony (3 May, 2001)
hi·a·tus \hi-'â-tes\ n [L. fr. hiare to yawn] 1 : a lapse in continuity : GAP OnHiatus.com > The Moon: