Pike - Pocket Icon Editor
Version 1.5
Last Modified: Friday, March 09, 2012 This is the Seventy Two Thousand Eight Hundred Eighty Ninth view since 11/30/99.

Screenshot of Pike's viewer screen:

Pike Screenshot

Screenshot of Pike's edit screen:

Pike Screenshot 2

Screenshot of Pike's palette editor screen:

Pike Screenshot 3

What is it?
Pike is a tool for createing and editing icons and small bitmaps and their palettes.

Download / Use:
ARM: For ARM based Windows CE devices (49 KB)
SH3: For SH3 based Windows CE devices (50 KB)
MIPS: For MIPS based Windows CE devices (50 KB)
Universal: For other CPU based Windows CE devices (i.e. x86) (40 KB)
Note: Non-native (universal) version has some loss of functionality - see readme file


Current Version?
The latest version is Version 1.5 and is dated May 10, 2001.

Added / Fixed since last release (ver 1.0):

Known Problems:

Why was it written?
I'm traveling right now, one of things I do to pass the time is program. Pocket C is great for this, and when I wish that my H/PC did something it doesn't, well I do my best to make it. Pocket C used to (and hopefully will again) have limited icon support. Since I use my H/PC as a stand alone platform I don't have access to a desktop machine to create icons - so I needed an Icon editor. I also wanted to be able to create small bitmaps (for UI) so Pike can also save BMP's.

Where was it written?
Pike was started in Mauritius and finished (version 1.0) in Thailand, but the bulk of it was written in Madagascar (Mostly Antananarivo and the Southern coast - Ifaty and Toliara - but bits in Ranohira and Isalo National Park). Additional features were added / finished in Singapore, Indonesia (Bali), Australia, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and Malawi. Version 1.5 was mostly written in India with parts written in The Maldives and Nepal. If you're intrested here's my travel journal.

What is OnHiatus Software?
This is a collection of software that I wrote while traveling (mostly) in Africa. It's all free, none of it is guaranteed, and it all does something I find useful but you may not. I only have an HP Jornada 720 so I can't comment on it's suitability for other machines. See my Software page for other Windows CE applications in the OnHiatus Software project.

NOTE:This Application is Freeware. No guarantees, I can't be held responsible for any damages caused by using or misusing this program! You get what you pay for...


I feel that Pike is stable and robust, but I have only tested v1.5 on a HP Jornada 720.

hi·a·tus \hi-'â-tes\ n [L. fr. hiare to yawn] 1 : a lapse in continuity : GAP

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