. OnHiatus.com > Journal 1 > Day Index > Journal Entry: September 21, 1998

Monday, September 21, 1998
Dakar, Senegal
Senegal's Flag

Dakar, Senegal:
Latitude: 14° 40' 20" North
Longitude: 17° 25' 55" West
Altitude: 70 feet
From Seattle: 6675 miles
Lodging: Hotel - Hôtel Provençal

Today's Travel:
Country: Senegal
Region: Cap Vert
Weather: Partial Sun

Click on map to Zoom in...
Trip Stats to Date:
Day: 529
Linear Dist: 126105
Countries Visited: 36
Regions Visited: 150
More stats...
Hotels: 136
Friends / Family: 154
Camping: 42
Hostels: 141
Transit: 49
Other Lodging: 6
Beers: 1941

Journal Entry:
Spent most of the night awake and entertained by the amazing rains (had to be many inches). After last nights rains the weather was partially sunny, but unbelievably oppressive with the humidity. Didn't do much. Goofed off in my room until it was nearly time to go pick up my passport with the new visa from the Gambian High Commission. Got the passport, then spent a big chunk of the afternoon getting my journal up to date and adding a perpetual calendar (because I wanted to know the day of the week for a date next year). Basically just goofing off to avoid having to face either the weather or the hassles outside. Had diner (chwarma) and a few beers in the cafe associated with the hotel.

Related Sites:
CNN: Current Weather in Dakar
US State Department Consular Information Sheets: Senegal
CIA World Fact Book: Senegal

Paging: [⇚ Sep 20] | [Sep 22 ⇛] OnHiatus.com > Journal 1 > Day Index > Journal Entry: September 21, 1998