. OnHiatus.com > Journal 1 > Day Index > Journal Entry: May 2, 2001

Wednesday, May 2, 2001
Katmandu, Nepal
Nepal's FlagKatmandu Valley's Flag

Katmandu, Nepal:
Latitude: 27° 42' 53" North
Longitude: 85° 17' 25" East
Altitude: 4610 feet
From Seattle: 8447 miles
Lodging: Hotel - Kathmandu Guest House

Today's Travel:
Country: Nepal
Region: Katmandu Valley
Weather: Rain / Partial Sun

Available Photos:

Katmandu's skyline Katmandu, Nepal

Swayambhunath and skyline Katmandu, Nepal

Katmandu's skyline Katmandu, Nepal

Swayambhunath and skyline Katmandu, Nepal

All photo images © 1997-2000 Anthony Jones - Images may not be used without prior written approval.

Click on map to Zoom in...
Trip Stats to Date:
Day: 1483
Linear Dist: 277091
Countries Visited: 76
Regions Visited: 288
More stats...
Hotels: 610
Friends / Family: 338
Camping: 130
Hostels: 262
Transit: 99
Other Lodging: 13
Beers: 4604

Journal Entry:
Woke up early to storm winds and heavy rain - the palm tree outside our window was bent nearly double! We spent the morning getting packed (our clothes were finally dry). On our way out to breakfast the rain had tapered off a little so we climbed to the roof of the hotel for the view - you could actually see the Himalayas (some of them anyway)! We had breakfast at our usual, the Pumpernickel Bakery, and then went for a wander. Amy continued her last minute shopping spree and was pretty successful. Back at the hotel I moved rooms - to a cheaper single - and then Amy and I caught a taxi to the airport. Her check-in was relatively painless and it looked as if her flight was going to leave on time so we hung out for awhile talking then she went through immigration to head back to India (and then home). I quickly caught a taxi back to Thamel.

Took my pile of books in to a bookstore and traded them for a couple new novels, then spent the rest of the afternoon writing in my journal (I was a few days behind), having pizza, and reading. In the evening I went to an internet cafe and spent two hours getting my journal updated, uploading nearly 100 photos from trekking and Nepal in general, and trying to do research into visiting Tibet. I failed to find any good information on getting in to Tibet so I went by Jen and Jamie's hotel and left a message for them to let me know what they had found out (they want to leave for Tibet in the next couple days and were going to have spent yesterday looking at various tour companies). Back at the guest house I sat in the patio and drank beer and read.

Related Sites:
CNN: Current Weather in Katmandu
US State Department Consular Information Sheets: Nepal
CIA - The World Factbook: Nepal

Paging: [⇚ May 1] | [May 3 ⇛] OnHiatus.com > Journal 1 > Day Index > Journal Entry: May 2, 2001