Photos from roll of film 090-310
All photo images © 1997-2002 Anthony Jones
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. > Journal 1 > Film Index > Roll 090-310: Camera: Canon EOS IX-Lite; Film Speed: ISO400; 40 Exposures)

1. Painted rock and mountains Sera Thekchenling Monastery, Lhasa, Tibet, China May 24, 2001

2. Painted rocks and Potala Palace Sera Thekchenling Monastery, Lhasa, Tibet, China May 24, 2001

3. Monastery roofs Sera Thekchenling Monastery, Lhasa, Tibet, China May 24, 2001

4. Monastery buildings Sera Thekchenling Monastery, Lhasa, Tibet, China May 24, 2001

5. Potala Palace Sera Thekchenling Monastery, Lhasa, Tibet, China May 24, 2001

6. Potala Palace Sera Thekchenling Monastery, Lhasa, Tibet, China May 24, 2001

7. Painted rocks Sera Thekchenling Monastery, Lhasa, Tibet, China May 24, 2001

8. Monastery roof Sera Thekchenling Monastery, Lhasa, Tibet, China May 24, 2001

9. Corridor Sera Thekchenling Monastery, Lhasa, Tibet, China May 24, 2001

10. Windows Sera Thekchenling Monastery, Lhasa, Tibet, China May 24, 2001

11. Monastery building Sera Thekchenling Monastery, Lhasa, Tibet, China May 24, 2001

12. Monastery building Sera Thekchenling Monastery, Lhasa, Tibet, China May 24, 2001

13. Monastery building Sera Thekchenling Monastery, Lhasa, Tibet, China May 24, 2001

14. Wheel of life Sera Thekchenling Monastery, Lhasa, Tibet, China May 24, 2001

15. Tankas wall Sera Thekchenling Monastery, Lhasa, Tibet, China May 24, 2001

16. Old monk Drepung Monastery, Lhasa, Tibet, China May 25, 2001

17. Monastery building Drepung Monastery, Lhasa, Tibet, China May 25, 2001 > Journal 1 > Film Index > Roll 090-310: Camera: Canon EOS IX-Lite; Film Speed: ISO400; 40 Exposures)