. OnHiatus.com > Journal 1 > Day Index > Journal Entry: August 20, 2000

Sunday, August 20, 2000
Nkhata Bay, Malawi
Malawi's Flag

Nkhata Bay, Malawi:
Latitude: 11° 36' 45" South
Longitude: 34° 18' 14" East
Altitude: 1900 feet
From Seattle: 11219 miles
Lodging: Hotel - Mayoka Village

Today's Travel:
Country: Malawi
Region: Northern Malawi
Weather: Sunny

Click on map to Zoom in...
Trip Stats to Date:
Day: 1228
Linear Dist: 235886
Countries Visited: 70
Regions Visited: 268
More stats...
Hotels: 445
Friends / Family: 302
Camping: 130
Hostels: 261
Transit: 76
Other Lodging: 13
Beers: 4202

Journal Entry:
Sun woke us up at dawn after only two hours of sleep. Tossed and turned for a couple hours longer until the tent was just to hot to stay in. Luckily they had a room for us then so we packed up the tent and moved our gear. We decided not to go to sleep as that would be the end of the day so we went down to the beach until eleven. At eleven Sunday brunch started - all you could eat! Breakfast was good, but the best part was just corn flakes and milk!

I went by Norman's to make sure my chairs were done. They were and they look good! Especially the rhino one I'd had carved. I made arrangements to come by in the afternoon to pay and help him package them for shipping. We walked in to town and picked up the frames I'd ordered - they also got done and look great. In fact the frames looked so good that I ended up buying two and ordering two more. that means between Amy and I we bought a total of eleven frames from the same guy (Griffin). We went by the super market to pick up a couple bottles each of Nali sauce - our favorite peri peri (hot) sauce. I'd bought two bottles last time I was in Malawi, but they got sent in the one box that was lost so I wanted to try again.

Headed back to Mayoka and spent the afternoon doing the usual reading, sunning, and swimming. Just before sunset I walked up to help Norman pack up my chairs. The wrapping procedure ended up taking several boxes worth of cardboard, twenty yards of string, and over an hour of time. Besides the two large chairs I also managed to squeeze in a couple old guide books and some miscellaneous stuff so my pack will be a bit lighter. My only concern now is the weight - there's a twenty kilogram limit at the post office and I'm pretty sure the package is going to be close.

Related Sites:
US State Department Consular Information Sheets: Malawi
CIA World Fact Book: Malawi

Paging: [⇚ Aug 19] | [Aug 21 ⇛] OnHiatus.com > Journal 1 > Day Index > Journal Entry: August 20, 2000