. OnHiatus.com > Journal 1 > Day Index > Journal Entry: April 26, 2001

Thursday, April 26, 2001
Ulleri to Ghorepani, Nepal
Nepal's Flag

Ghorepani, Nepal:
Latitude: 28° 24' 0" North
Longitude: 83° 41' 58" East
Altitude: 9296 feet
From Seattle: 8453 miles
Lodging: Hotel - New Glacier Hotel

Today's Travel:
Country: Nepal
Region: Pokhara Valley
Route: Walk: Ulleri - Nange Thanti - Ghorepani
Path:Ulleri - Ghorepani, Nepal
Linear:4 miles
Weather: Mostly Sunny / Partial Sun / Rain

Available Photos:

Waterfall Ghorepani Trek: Ulleri - Ghorepani, Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal

All photo images © 1997-2000 Anthony Jones - Images may not be used without prior written approval.

Click on map to Zoom in...
Trip Stats to Date:
Day: 1477
Linear Dist: 276979
Countries Visited: 76
Regions Visited: 288
More stats...
Hotels: 604
Friends / Family: 338
Camping: 130
Hostels: 262
Transit: 99
Other Lodging: 13
Beers: 4598

Journal Entry:
When we woke up the sky was mostly clear, but the mountain peaks are all hidden. We decided to skip breakfast at the lodge and hit the trail at eight. From Ulleri the trail continued up stairs for another hour or so. The next couple hours were mostly steep, but both ascending and descending. After two hours of hiking we stopped in the small village of Nange Thanti and had brunch. From Nange Thanti we walked through an incredible forest of rhododendrons - I never imagined that they could be so big - some of the trees were well over fifty feet tall! There was also a lot of small waterfalls and general riots of green, but the mountain peaks stayed hidden. Less than two hours out of Nange Thanti we arrived in Ghorepani. We quickly grabbed a posh room (relatively) and dumped our gear. We were hopping to climb Poon Hill for the views of South Annapurna, but the clouds started to roll in and there was no chance of seeing the mountains - we'll have to try before dawn tomorrow. We wandered around the town - it's a lot bigger than Ulleri and not nearly as quaint, but bigger is relative, it's still only a couple dozen buildings and no roads. We started up the Poon Hill trail to see if we could get a nice view down on the town but it was just gray. Back in the lodge it was time for a very hot shower - I find it very ironic that in the last couple months I've almost never seen a hot shower and yet here I am trekking in the Himalayas and paying less than a dollar a night for lodging and I get them!

Related Sites:
US State Department Consular Information Sheets: Nepal
CIA - The World Factbook: Nepal

Paging: [⇚ Apr 25] | [Apr 27 ⇛] OnHiatus.com > Journal 1 > Day Index > Journal Entry: April 26, 2001